Home Our Projects Grants Application Form

Grant Application.pdf


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For more information, please write to us at the following address:

Halifax Foundation
PO Box 2635
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 3P7

or EMAIL: halifaxfoundation1749@gmail.com

Halifax Foundation invests capital contributions and spends only from the earnings, in this way guaranteeing performance on a permanent basis of the purpose(s) sought by the donor(s). Halifax Foundation has undertaken many projects since its inception. Some of these projects have benefited from partial funding through a financial contribution, and others have been conceived, executed and funded solely by the Foundation.

Scroll through some of the Foundation’s completed projects below:

Halifax Foundation Projects

Province House Garden Lighting
Funding for the lighting of the Garden at this historic property.

Shubenacadie Canal Commission

Assistance with the restoration work on the historical aspect of the Dartmouth Inclined Marine Railway portion of the Canal.

Nova Scotia Nature Trust

Assistance with the renovations to its historical office property.

Halifax Women’s Historical Society

Assistance with the erection of a monument to recognize the role of Women in wartime.

Army Museum Halifax Citadel

Assistance with the Last Steps Memorial Project.

Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia

Assistance with creation of a granite monument to respect the history and contribution of African Nova Scotians.

NSCAD University

Assistance with the erection of a monument to Anna Leonowens.

Halifax Rowing Club

Assistance to improve the docking facilities to accommodate PARA athletes.

North Star Rowing Club

Assistance to improve the docking facilities to accommodate PARA athletes.

Princess Louise Fusiliers

Add to existing item and to assist with developing a regimental history to mark the 150th anniversary of the Regiment.

Citadel High School Auditorium
Assistance to provide auditorium for civic and cultural events.

Ship St. Roche
Plaque recognizing its accomplishments, placed on Dartmouth Waterfront.

Old Burying Ground
Preservation of historic gravestones.

Princess Louise Fusiliers
Provision of colours.

Enhancement of patio for residents.

Metro Non-Profit Housing Association
Replacement of beds and mattresses.

Adsum Association for Women and Children
Assistance with preservation of historic site.

The Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial
This life-size bronze statue of one of Halifax’s most famous and influential native sons, is located on the boardwalk overlooking the site of the Cunard Wharf on Halifax’s waterfront.

The BellaRose Centre for the Arts
(formerly Theatre Halifax): The Foundation sponsored a wall in the foyer of the Centre at 283 Thomas Raddall Drive, to serve as a space for local artists to display their work.

Metro Turning Point Centre
The Foundation provided funding for the purchase of laundry equipment for the use of the clients of the Centre.

A Water Fountain at Sullivan’s Pond in Historic Downtown Dartmouth
This significant water feature enhances the treasured and historic Sullivan’s Pond and is a major focal point of the Sullivan’s Pond Park.

Tree Lighting Project at the Grand Parade
A major contribution was made to this downtown Halifax beautification project, to highlight the historic space outside Halifax City Hall at the Grand Parade.

Halifax Explosion Memorial Book
Funds were provided to undertake the research necessary to properly identify the victims of the 1917 Halifax Explosion and to compile this information in a Memorial Book. This book now resides, and is suitable displayed, in the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

Victoria Park project
This project contributed to the restoration and installation of lighting in the historic Victoria Park, across from the Public Gardens in downtown Halifax.

Sackville Rivers Association
This provided funding to assist with the restoration of a section of the Sackville River as part of the ongoing work of the Sackville Rivers Association.

Oyster Pond Walk
Funding was provided to assist with the development of a Nature Trail in the Oyster Pond area of the Eastern Shore.

Waterfront Development Improvement
A grant was made to assist with the erection of benches along the waterfront on the Halifax side of the harbour.

Markers of Distinction
This extensive project saw the installation of a series of unique enamelled descriptive plaques mounted on natural quarried stone markers, throughout Halifax Regional Municipality. Each marker is dedicated to describing and commemorating various events, people and places, which shaped the heritage of the many communities within HRM.

Community Tree Planting
The Halifax Foundation facilitated the planting of 500 maple saplings throughout Metro, in 1999-2000, in honour of the 250th Anniversary of the first permanent settlement of Halifax and Dartmouth.

City Hall Clocks
The Foundation installed chimes in the City Hall tower to mark the 1995 G-7 Summit in Halifax. In 1999, it placed two clock faces in the tower, one permanently fixed at the exact moment, 9:04:35, of the Halifax Explosion.

Relocation of the historic Dockyard Clock Tower
This project involved the coordination of the move, and installation, of this historic clock, which was a gift from the Navy. It was relocated to Chebucto Landing, the founding site of Halifax, on the waterfront near the Ferry Terminal.

Canadian Immigration Heritage Centre
The Foundation made a substantial capital contribution to the development of the Centre at Pier 21 on the Halifax Waterfront.

New Colours for the 78th Highlanders
New Queen’s and Regimental Colours were provided for the historic 78th Highland Regiment at the Citadel.

The Colours Plaque ColoursPlaque.pdf

The Discovery Centre
Seed funding was provided for the establishment of the Discovery Centre.

Northwood Foundation:
Funds were donated for the provision of amenities at the Northwood Care Bedford West location

The QE II Eye Care Clinic:
Assistance was provided for the funding of a highly efficient piece of diagnostic equipment, the Spectralis OCT machine

Relocation of the Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial statue:
The statue of Sir Samuel Cunard, formerly located near the most northerly cruise ship terminal, has been moved by the Foundation, to a more suitable location near the Cunard Centre. It is now in a open, parklike area, with a view toward the harbour and Georges Island

Illumination of the Cunard Memorial:
Funds have recently been provided by the Foundation for the provision of appropriate illumination for the statue, in its new setting, now a much-photographed attraction for both tourists and locals.

The Cunard Centre:
The name “Cunard Centre” was chosen by the Halifax Port Authority, as a direct result of the Foundation’s undertaking to erect a monument to Sir Samuel Cunard and have it located on the waterfront. The statue now stands in close proximity to the Cunard Centre.

Metro Non Profit Housing

Assistance with the repair of the historic exterior  elements of Morris House, the fourth oldest building in Halifax

Alcare Place

Assistance with the acquisition of equipment for the treatment of addicted persons

Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority

Assistance with the replacement of playground equipment for handicapped children

Hope Cottage

Assistance with the repair of this historic building

Province House

Purchase of a historic painting to be displayed at Province House

HSB Monument Society

Assistance with the erection of a monument to mark the former site of the Halifax School for  the Blind

Holy Cross Cemetery

Assistance with the preservation of historic elements of the graveyard

Friends of the Public Gardens

Assistance with the restoration of the Band Stand and Fountain

Friends of McNab’s Island

Assistance with the rebuilding of trails and  associated markers and benches

St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association

Assistance with the repair of a historic  community building

St. Paul’s Church

Purchase of a historic statue of St. Paul to be  displayed in the Church

Halifax City Hall
Clock Tower

Historical Marker
of Distinction

New Colours for the
78th Highlanders

Sullivans Pond -

Sir Samuel Cunard Statue