Home Our Projects Grants Application Form

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Grant Application.pdf


Welcome to the Halifax Foundation Homepage

Halifax Foundation operates under Nova Scotia Provincial legislation (Acts of Nova Scotia 1983, C.69). The Foundation is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act. Its endowment funds are managed wisely and profitably by the Board of Directors. It is mandated to support, from earnings on invested contributions, existing and new endeavours in arts and culture, education, environment, health, heritage, recreation and social response that enhance public spaces, facilities and services in the Halifax Regional Municipality. The Foundation serves the whole of the Halifax Regional Municipality.

The members of the Board of Directors, all volunteers, are appointed by a Committee, consisting of the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, the Chief Justice of the Trial Division of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, the Mayor of the Halifax Regional Municipality, the Deputy Attorney General of Nova Scotia, and the President of the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce. The Directors currently are as follows:


 Sheila Fougere

Vice Chairman:

 Colin Dodds


 Wenda Bennett


Dov Bercovici

Jane MacLellan

Andy Fillmore

Harvey Morrison

Jay FitzGerald

Lois Yorke

Twila Grosse

Halifax Foundation’s Charitable Registration Number, Revenue Canada: 118950898 RR0001

Halifax Foundation
PO Box 2635
Halifax, NS
B3J 3P7

EMAIL: halifaxfoundation1749@gmail.com

Sir Samuel
Cunard Memorial